As a dumbass who took the initial jabs (Ofizer EN6204; EW0162: for convenience reasons (a two-week visit to Cancun with my MSPH daughter), I can safely say that I relate to this "Hell in a handbasket" post. Hate to say it, Tim, but shedding of the mRNA spike by the vaxxed to the unvaxxed has to be added to your list of unknown unknowns. "Crimes against humanity" just doesn't capture the depth and breadth to which we've destroy humanity before, during, and after Covid.
I agree on the cowardice. Never realized how fearful of death people are. They will sacrifice children in an effort to avoid it, as we saw during Covid. Altruism is dead.
Well said I think COWARDNESS has been ingrained by education
I am living with it in my marriage and the cause was a woman who terrorised her family including her husband
How many children are terrorised in their own life by family violence?
Where are the loving families today. There has been deliberate destruction of families by feminists who terrorised their husband and stop them from being the man they need to be
During lock down often when out shopping I walked without a mask next to my husband wearing his.
Yes, the cowardice, Marianne. The cowardice. It has sickened me from the very beginning.
Your comment makes me think back to my own parents' raising of us. Courage was integral to that 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 of us; I emphasize 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 because there's a huge difference between being raised vs. just letting one's children merely grow up. Has the inculcation of courage been removed from the raising of children???? And the "adults" my age (Boomer). Their cowardice and sanctimony? 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆.
As for the snot pouches, never wore one, never will -- and thankfully, that includes my husband.
One has to applaud the Predator Class for their genius. To make people so dumb, to make them like utter morons queuing for injections of unknown substance... One HAS TO BE in awe of their sheer genius. We will have CBDC, Digital ID and life, as we know it, is over. And there is nothing that can stop it - people are either asleep or they simply don't care - they prefer to follow Kim Kardashian on Insta... We are doomed :D
Ohhh...thanks for the laugh out loud, Reggie. Yes, snot pouches...:) And yes, the world/humanity does appear to be going up in flames...For those of us on the sidelines watching, we need our distractions.
This may unfortunately be a "G-20 ish" point of view.
The Chinese started us off with the one-child policy which has initiated a bit of an economic-demographic challenge.
India appears to still be growing.
Most Muslim nations are growing, particularly if you count the number of emigrants to western nations. I am not aware of much Muslim immigration into the Chinese labour economy!
As Africa continues to urbanise into such megacities as Cairo and Lagos there will be some decrease in fertility.
It would be of interest to recast the argument into a few segments rather than modelling over the entire planetary population as we are observably less homogeneous than a colony of a few albino mice. There may actually also be a requirement for a bit of hybrid vigour to maintain healthy populations.
[As an aside, the spin-para water molecule in your recent paper appears to be chiral as drawn- I couldn't rotate the structure in my head to match the other configuration if the spin states do not flip. A vibrational mode across the oxygen atom would remove the chirality.]
Ronald Reagan was actually a big part of this huge debacle. He signed the 1986 Act! Giving big Harma, I mean Pharma, complete immunity from liability for any & all injuries or death from “vaccines”. As long as it’s called a “vaccine”. When in reality it’s a bio weapon. Thanks Reagan! What a swell prez.
Reagan was in no way a globalist, please don't infect your well done essay with such blarney and with such conviction. Globalists do not rail against Big Government with every breath, for one, two, and three.
Reagan was not a scientist. Many of us thought that immunity was a good idea to keep pharma producing necessary vaccines. Since vaccine injuries were kept quiet, most of the public thought they were extremely rare & maybe they are/were
You are enamored with the power of evil. (Are you a mean drunk?) The fact is this. The liars lie about their intelligence. Nukes are fake, moon landing is fake. Vaccines never worked. The lab engineered Covid bioweapon was just a garden variety virus. Viruses as agents of illness may be total bullshit the satanic came up with to further their vaccine agenda. The satanic cabal is controlled and directed by brutal ruthless dumb fuck pathetic shit brained incestuous child killers. Do not interpret their evil for superpowers. Their bioweapon vaccines may be super stealth weapons but I have serious doubts.
The Covid operation was lockstep but the fear mongering about the jabs has qualities of a lockstep operation as well. Millions have been killed by vaccines. Each life is fragile but life itself will never cease.
Let’s not forget that 100 million or more were killed in the twentieth century out of a population of 2 billion. 20 million killed in the Covid wars out of 8 billion is bad, and the century is 1/5 old. IDK. Whoever survives the slaughter is going to have a lot of ghosts for company. As a child a friends father always spoke about life being tragic. I didn’t get it then. Now I do and it just plain sucks. Breathe. Each breath is a prayer for the living.
There are indeed wealthy benefactors supporting ICAN (Highwire TV) and Children's Health Defense. These groups would not have started without this support. They tend to keep their support pretty quiet. My guess is that after Covid, the support of medical freedom will only expand
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
As a dumbass who took the initial jabs (Ofizer EN6204; EW0162: for convenience reasons (a two-week visit to Cancun with my MSPH daughter), I can safely say that I relate to this "Hell in a handbasket" post. Hate to say it, Tim, but shedding of the mRNA spike by the vaxxed to the unvaxxed has to be added to your list of unknown unknowns. "Crimes against humanity" just doesn't capture the depth and breadth to which we've destroy humanity before, during, and after Covid.
Thank you for the thoughtful reply. The truth sometimes hurts but medicine badly needed now.
Wow! So perfectly well said.
Thank you!
I agree on the cowardice. Never realized how fearful of death people are. They will sacrifice children in an effort to avoid it, as we saw during Covid. Altruism is dead.
Well said I think COWARDNESS has been ingrained by education
I am living with it in my marriage and the cause was a woman who terrorised her family including her husband
How many children are terrorised in their own life by family violence?
Where are the loving families today. There has been deliberate destruction of families by feminists who terrorised their husband and stop them from being the man they need to be
During lock down often when out shopping I walked without a mask next to my husband wearing his.
Yes, the cowardice, Marianne. The cowardice. It has sickened me from the very beginning.
Your comment makes me think back to my own parents' raising of us. Courage was integral to that 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 of us; I emphasize 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 because there's a huge difference between being raised vs. just letting one's children merely grow up. Has the inculcation of courage been removed from the raising of children???? And the "adults" my age (Boomer). Their cowardice and sanctimony? 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆.
As for the snot pouches, never wore one, never will -- and thankfully, that includes my husband.
Thanks. "Snot Pouches" is my new #1. "Face Diaper "falls one spot to #2. (Sorry; have to find a distraction while watching humanity go up in flames.)
One has to applaud the Predator Class for their genius. To make people so dumb, to make them like utter morons queuing for injections of unknown substance... One HAS TO BE in awe of their sheer genius. We will have CBDC, Digital ID and life, as we know it, is over. And there is nothing that can stop it - people are either asleep or they simply don't care - they prefer to follow Kim Kardashian on Insta... We are doomed :D
Ohhh...thanks for the laugh out loud, Reggie. Yes, snot pouches...:) And yes, the world/humanity does appear to be going up in flames...For those of us on the sidelines watching, we need our distractions.
This may unfortunately be a "G-20 ish" point of view.
The Chinese started us off with the one-child policy which has initiated a bit of an economic-demographic challenge.
India appears to still be growing.
Most Muslim nations are growing, particularly if you count the number of emigrants to western nations. I am not aware of much Muslim immigration into the Chinese labour economy!
As Africa continues to urbanise into such megacities as Cairo and Lagos there will be some decrease in fertility.
It would be of interest to recast the argument into a few segments rather than modelling over the entire planetary population as we are observably less homogeneous than a colony of a few albino mice. There may actually also be a requirement for a bit of hybrid vigour to maintain healthy populations.
[As an aside, the spin-para water molecule in your recent paper appears to be chiral as drawn- I couldn't rotate the structure in my head to match the other configuration if the spin states do not flip. A vibrational mode across the oxygen atom would remove the chirality.]
Ronald Reagan was actually a big part of this huge debacle. He signed the 1986 Act! Giving big Harma, I mean Pharma, complete immunity from liability for any & all injuries or death from “vaccines”. As long as it’s called a “vaccine”. When in reality it’s a bio weapon. Thanks Reagan! What a swell prez.
Agreed. People lionize Reagan. Just another in a long line of Globalists. What Reagan did with Aspartame is truly despicable.
Reagan was in no way a globalist, please don't infect your well done essay with such blarney and with such conviction. Globalists do not rail against Big Government with every breath, for one, two, and three.
Reagan paved the way for NAFTA. He did nothing to stop illegal immigration, a payoff to his rich CA farmer friends.
BTW: Reagan promised to eliminate the Department of Education, then promptly doubled its budget.
Reagan was not a scientist. Many of us thought that immunity was a good idea to keep pharma producing necessary vaccines. Since vaccine injuries were kept quiet, most of the public thought they were extremely rare & maybe they are/were
Check this out it goes back to 1953 with the research into SV40
Yes, I am well aware.
If there’s a hell, there’s certainly a heaven.
great argument!
the way to hell is paved with good intentions
great proverb
You are enamored with the power of evil. (Are you a mean drunk?) The fact is this. The liars lie about their intelligence. Nukes are fake, moon landing is fake. Vaccines never worked. The lab engineered Covid bioweapon was just a garden variety virus. Viruses as agents of illness may be total bullshit the satanic came up with to further their vaccine agenda. The satanic cabal is controlled and directed by brutal ruthless dumb fuck pathetic shit brained incestuous child killers. Do not interpret their evil for superpowers. Their bioweapon vaccines may be super stealth weapons but I have serious doubts.
The Covid operation was lockstep but the fear mongering about the jabs has qualities of a lockstep operation as well. Millions have been killed by vaccines. Each life is fragile but life itself will never cease.
Let’s not forget that 100 million or more were killed in the twentieth century out of a population of 2 billion. 20 million killed in the Covid wars out of 8 billion is bad, and the century is 1/5 old. IDK. Whoever survives the slaughter is going to have a lot of ghosts for company. As a child a friends father always spoke about life being tragic. I didn’t get it then. Now I do and it just plain sucks. Breathe. Each breath is a prayer for the living.
There are indeed wealthy benefactors supporting ICAN (Highwire TV) and Children's Health Defense. These groups would not have started without this support. They tend to keep their support pretty quiet. My guess is that after Covid, the support of medical freedom will only expand
I would love for Del Bigtree to interview me and my co-author (the real brains behind our research).
Hydrophobic Catalysis by L-Ascorbic Acid: A supramolecular Strategy to counter the SARS-CoV2 ADP Ribose Glycohydrolase (
ignorance is not without consequence
Great post. Hoping RFK Jr is elected. He knows and will hold the guilty accountable and make sure it doesn't happen again.
He’ll just lock you down in other ways. For “Climate Change”, ya know. And take away our 2nd Amendment for our “safety”. Watch out!
Justice is due and will be delivered I think, but "remedy" is just as important.
Remedy is in the air.
I sense it.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
My husband is with you, sir. He thinks this is species-ending. I disagree, but I certainly can see what makes one think that.