Just for fun, let’s put the kindest possible spin on the Covid-19 debacle without descending into parody. I suggest this as a thought experiment to tease out positive solutions to the worst manmade disaster of all time, even if unintentional (cough, cough).
Let us imagine that decades of allopathic brainwashing led to a kind of groupthink taking over medicine, and that since allopathic medicine consists of nothing but hammers, every problem looks like a nail.
Fauci ‘hammered’ the AIDS victims with AZT. Your pediatrician ‘hammered’ your child with dozens of childhood vaccines against easily survivable diseases.
Your breasts have been ‘hammered’ with mammograms that caused more cancer than they ever detected.
The list goes on. Now, I stand by my earlier missives on the possibility of the Covid debacle being an extinction level event; I made this assertion based on very troubling known knowns at the time, as well as a growing list of unknown unknowns. Since then, several of my worst fears have been validated (reverse transcription, Plasmids, Sterility, etc.). The genetics of the animal trials of mRNA are troubling enough, but when you extrapolate to epigenetics, things really start to get scary. God bless Peter McCullough and others for trying to advise the vaccine damaged on restoring their health as much as possible, but what about their grandkids, or the possibility of no grandkids?
When I read articles about this or that herb to help with neuralgia or circulation, I imagine a skydiver trying to bandage a cut from someone who has leapt from the Twin Towers on 911. We need to be thinking civilizationally if not existentially about this disaster. Remember when Ronal Reagan speculated that humanity would unite against an alien invasion? Well, they’re here. Their names are Birx, Fauci, Welenski, etc.
I know there are plenty of folks out there with plenty of money, who have either been vaccine injured themselves, or have had loved ones injured. Where are you? Why isn’t your money being put where your mouth is? Many of you beautiful people used your status to promote the jab and now that the bodies have begun piling up, crickets? Where is that savior of mankind who was going to revolutionize the prescription drug business, Mark Cuban? Didn’t he demonize the vaccine hesitant? Do any of these tarnished souls expect to get into heaven?
Ok, forget moralizing. Do any of these fools want to live? Do they want humanity to survive this? Do they want grandchildren, or at least grandchildren not hideously deformed? I’m simply dumbfounded by the utter lack of acknowledgment, let alone contrition from the great and good that either fell for this, or were in on it from the start. Even if my biological predictions are wrong, what do recent events say about humanity moving forward? The forfeiting of basic rights for convenience... The gaslighting of vast swaths of the population into accepting the most ridiculous restrictions on their liberty. How can mankind look back on this period with anything but revulsion, and yet it seems we are pretending that it largely didn’t happen. A young healthy athlete or celebrity keels over and there is no mention of a cause of death? They just died? Sudden deaths are now reported with all the pedestrian flavor of a celebrity fender bender… Are our collective memories really that short? Do we not know how celebrity deaths used to be reported?
It is entirely possible that the human genome is damaged beyond its ability to recover. I take no pleasure in writing this, but desperate times and all that. If there is someone out there with money, who deep down knows they are headed to Hell and wishes to buy some indulgences, all I can offer is a promise to work toward repairing what appears to be great, possible irreversible, harm to the human genome.
As a dumbass who took the initial jabs (Ofizer EN6204; EW0162: howbadismybatch.com) for convenience reasons (a two-week visit to Cancun with my MSPH daughter), I can safely say that I relate to this "Hell in a handbasket" post. Hate to say it, Tim, but shedding of the mRNA spike by the vaxxed to the unvaxxed has to be added to your list of unknown unknowns. "Crimes against humanity" just doesn't capture the depth and breadth to which we've destroy humanity before, during, and after Covid.
Wow! So perfectly well said.