Jun 9, 2023Liked by Timothy Winey

Outstanding article. Thank God someone besides me can see what this creature really is.

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Couple of things: First, Trump isn’t a scientist nor did he ever claim to be one. He deferred to his supposed scientific advisers in good faith. Hindsight shows it was a mistake but you have to remember what he was up against. The media vociferously attacking his every move and twisting his every word, while praising Birx and Fauci, and Pence, whom he had assigned the task of heading this effort.

Second, it was truly an accomplishment to mobilize the pharma industry in the effort of creating a vaccine in record time, ALSO in good faith, believing in American ingenuity, but he NEVER supported forcing it on anyone. While he agreed to 2weeks shutdown, he never supported extending it for as long as it did.

As to the changes in electoral rules, he tried to fight it, but by law, he deferred to the legislative branch. The 2020 election was indeed stolen and we have chapter and verse evidence of that. This is why every case was dismissed on standing rather than on evidenciary merits. It’s what he gets for playing by the rules when his adversaries had shredded the rulebook.

His followers witnessed the character assassination and saw through it. If they ignored the shrill condemnations of the media, they could see his honorable intentions.

The reason most of the country (yes, most) will be voting for Trump isn’t due to some thirst for revenge but because he has passed through the fire and shown his mettle. Far from perfect, his heart is with the people and his loyalty to the Constitution. If he is not in the White House by 1/20/25, this country will be swallowed up by the globalist regime quicker than Stalin’s wildest dreams.

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Do you really believe Trump didn't know that "Operation Warp Speed" was/is an ongoing DOD operation of chemical warfare against the inhabitants of the US?

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I believe that his first term was riddled with leaks, betrayals and insubordination. Why would Warp Speed be any different? I don’t believe that what is happening to Trump right now is, with all the lawfare, was because he did what the DOD wanted him to do, but rather because they know he is now onto them. I believe that Trump, with all his imperfections, is our best hope of escaping the utopian future the Deep State has planned for us all.

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Then you get the government you deserve.

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What’s the alternative, Timothy?! Right now we have a dementia ridden president with unaccountable oligarchs pulling his strings, an economy careening towards hyperinflation, a climate cult hellbent on destroying our energy infrastructure, a two-tiered justice system based on political ideology, an education system that wants to normalize pedophilia, a dwindling CRT- driven military force, an abysmal foreign policy that ignited 14 hot wars so far, and dragging us to WW3, and an invading army of immigrants with no love or loyalty to this country, ready to be used for voting,

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(Continued) Law enforcement, etc. and you think Trump would make it worse?

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Focus on your local sheriff, school board, city council, etc.

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The stage was also set for J6 by a specific request.

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From the left

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David Knight published a 13 minute video today about The Scammer in Chief.



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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

Is there a link to your interview? I would would be interested.

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I think his talking about investigating the autism angle is him telegraphing his intentions to have a spot for RFK Jr in his cabinet.

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Do you want to know why Trump will never take the fall for the Covid vaccine? It’s his obvious Achilles heel - he authorized Warp Speed - BUT Big Pharma owns the Dems now and all our health institutions and most of our media. It’s too big a liability for Trump to take the fall for the utterly failed Covid vaccine debacle. Too much damage has been done for this to be their weapon of choice against him. They will never admit to the travesty of it all. So they dig around for all kinds of other concocted bullshit. He should have never been president but that’s on them.

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Fuck off dirtbag

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And you're a douchebag

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He didn't actually talk about injecting bleach. I watched that rona update. Even Birx knew that's not what he meant. He talked about disinfectant and maybe there was some form of "medicine" that could be injected. That was also very early on before they knew anything. (Knowing the rest of them ALL knew about it because they funded the Scamdemic.) Now do I think he's our knight in shining armor on a white horse coming to save us...NO! (At least there's not here on earth!) In fact there's not a decent candidate yet! Does it matter since we didn't fix 2020...NO! Ugh...I'm tired of the word NO! LOL I'm going to bed! Good night Timothy and Substackers. 😴

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023


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RemovedJun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023
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And if you don't like him just say so instead of being passive aggressive.

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