He also will never see the inside of a jail cell. These are my predictions, but the reasons may surprise you. Trump is dangerous, perhaps the most dangerous politician since JFK but for different reasons. You see, Trump has an uncanny ability to conceal his undying narcissism and self-interest with concern for the little guy. He does this through very clever trickery. I never said Trump was dumb, just amoral. Here’s a small taste of how he operates which is quite counterintuitive to many. To set the stage, we need to first remind the reader of some historical facts not in dispute.
1. After touting safe and effective early treatment protocols for Covid, Trump announced Operation Warp Speed out of the wild blue.
2. Trump even denigrated his previously endorsed early treatments by talking about injecting bleach into his veins. How could such a clever man so clumsily denigrate treatments he just days before, was entrusting his life to?
3. Trump then hands the country to Fauci and pretends he’s no longer President.
4. Trump then begins to tease he might fire Fauci when the public turns on him (Fauci).
5. Trump takes credit for saving millions of lives with poison and even goes on a vaccine sales trip with Bill O’Reiley, boosters and all, after first mocking boosters as a profiteering gimmick.
6. Now, after 3 years of ignoring the dead vaccinated elephant in the livingroom, Trump hints that he might want to start investigating vaccine-caused autism? Autism! That’s like suddenly noticing a J-walking problem in Chicago!
So what the Devil is going on here? Is Trump insane? Senile? Bipolar? No, none of the above. Trump is arguably the most amoral and dangerous politician in US history. How could trump notice autism and not the ongoing genocide? The answer is he couldn’t. He’s holding back his cards to be played at just the right time. You see, his opinion of the American people and their ever-shrinking attention spans is so low, it simply has no bottom. Don’t laugh; Trump’s plan was to actively promote poison until it became politically expedient to pretend, after over 3 years of carnage, carnage funded by him, that he’s only now just noticing the bodies piling up, at which point he’ll blame everyone From Fauci on down to the local school board for restricting your freedoms, restrictions paid for by him printing more money than God.
Tired of winning yet? I for one am exhausted! ‘No joke!’ Trump was actually planning to blame Democrates for taking his money to lock you down! I know it sounds absurd, but that was/is his plan, and I know this because of his ‘trial balloon’ of linking autism to vaccines. He was sending a warning shot over the bow of his opponents, namely that he can turn on the vaccine skepticism at the drop of a hat, and with a straight face like only he can, with his endless supply of zero shame, and they know it!
This, I suspect is why he had materials at home the opposition wants to indict him for; it was most likely blackmail material.
Trump knew Warp Speed was a bioweapon, and he knew the opposition would blame him; so he did what Trump always does, he turned it to his advantage in a way that only a supreme narcissist with delusions of grandeur can.
So no, Trump will not go to jail. His bluff has been called and he will bow out of the race in exchange for not running. The beauty of this Republicrat duopoly plan is that any Republicans running in Trump’s shadow will seem like opportunistic hyenas, making election theft unneccessary, or believable come election day. This will also ensure no Republican Presidency. Mark my words, Trump will never see jail time; nor will Hillary, Biden, Comey, Obama, Pelosi, Schiff or any other member of the DC mafia. It’s an all you can eat buffet of Kabuki theater, all day, everyday.
Trump will sail off into the Sunset as Global Ambassador to Liv Golf and ‘liv’ happily ever after while we are corralled like sheep into the Warp Speed NWO pigpen he built.
Outstanding article. Thank God someone besides me can see what this creature really is.
Couple of things: First, Trump isn’t a scientist nor did he ever claim to be one. He deferred to his supposed scientific advisers in good faith. Hindsight shows it was a mistake but you have to remember what he was up against. The media vociferously attacking his every move and twisting his every word, while praising Birx and Fauci, and Pence, whom he had assigned the task of heading this effort.
Second, it was truly an accomplishment to mobilize the pharma industry in the effort of creating a vaccine in record time, ALSO in good faith, believing in American ingenuity, but he NEVER supported forcing it on anyone. While he agreed to 2weeks shutdown, he never supported extending it for as long as it did.
As to the changes in electoral rules, he tried to fight it, but by law, he deferred to the legislative branch. The 2020 election was indeed stolen and we have chapter and verse evidence of that. This is why every case was dismissed on standing rather than on evidenciary merits. It’s what he gets for playing by the rules when his adversaries had shredded the rulebook.
His followers witnessed the character assassination and saw through it. If they ignored the shrill condemnations of the media, they could see his honorable intentions.
The reason most of the country (yes, most) will be voting for Trump isn’t due to some thirst for revenge but because he has passed through the fire and shown his mettle. Far from perfect, his heart is with the people and his loyalty to the Constitution. If he is not in the White House by 1/20/25, this country will be swallowed up by the globalist regime quicker than Stalin’s wildest dreams.