I am working on an experiment that you inspired. I manually stirred french-pressed coffee for 2.5 minutes in a vortex pattern. I have several hypotheses.

1. Does structured water "hold" more fine coffee sediments in suspension than bulk water?

2. Will this effect hold for 20 hours? Will it persist until the next day?

3. Can I manually structure water without a toroidal device?

4. Can 2.5 minutes of structuring provide affirmative answers to hypotheses 1-3 above?

I want to try to manually structure 1 liter of room temperature coffee for ten minutes. But my wife needed me to make her an egg sandwich after 2.5 minutes, which makes an affirmative answer to any of the questions a long shot. 3 depends In 4. 1 depends on 3. 2 depends on 1.

Saturday Morning Physics Fun.

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To my knowledge, stirring imparts little if any 'structuring' efffects, and they are terribly short-lived.

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It is hard to see any differences in the pictures. What did you see in person?

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The refractive index is very different. The left is much clearer. Perhaps your computer screen settings are not optimal...

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On my phone, i do not see a visual difference in the refractive indices.

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Bending of light by the solutions

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Looking on my phone. I see;

The window frame in the left appears more obscured (more oil in suspension?) and the one on the right appears redder (more soap dissolved?).

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Structured water, despite 'holding' the same amount of material, appears less opaque. It's a consistent effect. Tomorrow it will be even more dramatic.

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