Jul 31Liked by Timothy Winey

He thinks if the killing is slow, we won't notice.

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Aug 1Liked by Timothy Winey

Don’t give Chatty ammo. We need you.

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Aug 1Liked by Timothy Winey

Just call it “GaslightGPT” and be done with it.

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Jul 31·edited Aug 1

The man has no conscience. He might not wish anyone dead, individually or persoannly, but at the end of the day he'd like to see a lot of us gone to achieve what he believes is needed for humanity to decide. He has a God complex. Give someone that much$$ and they believe they have the right to decide who lives and who doesn't. Either way; it is evil, personified.

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The emotion he seems to exhibit most is amusement. It’s psychopathic.

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