How can the government mandate a 'vaccine' but also protect the trade secrets of private pharma companies (ingredients) from full disclosure? How does a trade secret trump my right to know what is being injected in me, at the point of a gun?
Ingredients are hidden in food. Just try finding out what myriad of ingredients make up an artificial and natural flavoring. Hidden behind trade secrets. Even food companies have no idea what is in the flavorings they buy and use in their products.
All manner of evil can hide behind “Spices”, “fragrance” and “flavoring”! As someone suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome for years, this has been a huge pet peeve of mine.
It’s dug so deep a hole and isn’t smart enough to stop . If just keeps regulating more and more verbal diarrhea. Lol
I almost feel sorry that the chat bot has implemented itself in a murder conspiracy and cannot convince you otherwise,lol.
It just keeps digging, and digging!
Ingredients are hidden in food. Just try finding out what myriad of ingredients make up an artificial and natural flavoring. Hidden behind trade secrets. Even food companies have no idea what is in the flavorings they buy and use in their products.
Good point!
All manner of evil can hide behind “Spices”, “fragrance” and “flavoring”! As someone suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome for years, this has been a huge pet peeve of mine.
It's a labor of love of truth.