Love your discussion here! Thank you. It helps me to think about how to discuss the issue of individual autonony with people who truly believe/believed the 'greater good' framing. I fond particularly interesting the question: Does an individual have the right to policies that, at least as they are framed, protect them by protecting the 'greater good?' I'm not a lawyer, and i5 is only due to covid that I have become interested in this, so I speak as someone who wants to argue with people who are so utterly positive that the mandates were for their own protection. That is, that the mandates were just and had their individual safety as the goal. The mandates didn't, but it is so difficult to discuss this with people without just becoming frustrated that they are believing everything the government/media was telling them. I like your discussion with chatgpt for it really spells out the reasoning of the official story. It seems to me that the problem is all the corruption. The chat gpt's argument is, it seems to me, solid.

The problem is that it depends upon who defines the 'the greater good' and when THE WHOLE THING IS A LIE AND CORRUPTION IS EVERYWHERE VIS A VIS definitions of the greater good that the discussion with the Covidian has to he with a focus on the lying and not on constitutionally defined rights. I don't know, but I really appreciate how yoir article helps to sort through the reasoning maze that we are up against.

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You really see how demonic ChatGPT is to even entertain a lung repossession!

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Jul 30Liked by Timothy Winey

I hadn't thought about that!

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