I do absolutely support tribunals/trials for those in collusion to deceive and knowingly promote such deadly poisons. I also support the death penalty for those found guilty in this mass murder enterprise.

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Call me old fashioned, but I was taught that the punishment should fit the crime!

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The docs are waiting to be told by the CDC what to say and prescribe.

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I despise those responsible as much as the next guy...but I keep coming back to that biblical tenet where God marks off vengeance as his territory.

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Jun 15Liked by Timothy Winey

Spot on.

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'Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.'

Adam Smith

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Jun 14Liked by Timothy Winey

I said nothing about mercy. I believe they should be tried and punished for their crimes.

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What would Jesus advise? The Lord determines ultimate Justice.

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Remember Bourla heroically 'delayed' his 'jab' for the good of the little people? At the risk of blaspheming, not sure if even Jesus could let that one go...

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Not judging, just asking the question as it is a good starting point and the best way to approach any problem. Jesus supported Truth, Restitution and Righteousness. He never denied the consequences of sin.

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Bourla should be in the top 5 of those facing trials first.

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