May 26Liked by Timothy Winey

My gosh the ChatGPT is nothing more than MSN garbage in garbage out. Fill it with the desired narrative and it will find its way to outshout the truth and the real news.

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May 26Liked by Timothy Winey

MSM * sorry typo

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Chat is guilty of complicity in the coverups.

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The fact is the PCR is inaccurate and CANNOT be used to test for covid or any other organism as the test is now being used to find H1N1 and in the US the NIH and FDA are already fanning the fans of fear. The governments and their agencies are using the test to substantiate and basis for eliminating liberties and rights of their citizens.

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yep, all true.

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Heres the thing…even the developer of the PCR test said its application/use for Covid was BS (and yet he died under mysterious circumstances that were under reported). Furthermore the PCR was never really designed for something that was Covid. Which begs the question…when will accept that they were bamboozled? In a similar vein accepted that the MSM is a mouthpiece for the deep state? Until we get to this point… it is all meaningless hot air. Pax

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Does anyone have a link to the English version of the verdict?

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