"...repairing the damaged properties," ChatGPT is really funny -- what repairing? - building a new structure is a repairing?; is disintegration a synonym to damage?

The Silversteins are really lucky!

Timothy Winey, you kept the ChatGPT between a rock and a hard place - that was extraordinary!

To be able to go through this "interview, I had to scroll down to pass all AI's repetitions...

9/11 was an inside job...

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Timothy Winey

Aside from the three that fell, another four were demolished. Seven asbestos-filled buildings, all part of the WTC Complex, and lease.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Timothy Winey

The Twin Towers were capital intensive, which to normal people means they were expensive to operate day-to-day. They had their own police, fire, healthcare, and other services because they were so big. When new, they added a lot of square footage to a soft market. But at first the buildings were splashy and attractive. As they aged, less so, and occupancy was low. Market’s answer? Demolish. But the cost to do that made it impossible due to environmental containment of asbestos, as well as the disruption over a long period of time. Too expensive to demolish, too expensive to operate. Solution was easy. Well, easy-ish. Don’t take it personally, NYC, it was just a business decision. Just business.

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Then there is the Uranium from the jets

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