May 19Liked by Timothy Winey

You have my full attention 🍷🍷🍷

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Read the discussion section of this study. Fascinating... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2848832/

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Does structured water (water exposed to torsion fields?) add to the intravascular crystalline layer by any chance? Is the crystalline layer less susceptible to osmotic movement into the interstitial space? Osmotic gradient (as well as pressure gradient) bt intravascular “compartment” and interstitium guarantees fluid traversing tiny gaps bt vascular endothelium into the interstitial space, translating into edema if occurring more quickly than the lymphatic system can drain it off. If crystalline water provides a “protective” function in regards to maintaining intravascular fluid levels, structured wine would simply be structured water containing ethanol + grape juice (lol). To tease this out, you could drink structured water then unstructured wine/beer etc and see if the torment begins. You could also reverse the order and see if the unstructured alcohol impact changes ex post facto.

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It's funny you mention 'doping.' A small amount of structured fuel (gasoline, diesel, acetone etc.,) will structure a large volume (100-1 Ratio) but a small amount of unstructured water will spoil the whole batch of structured water.

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Is any water in nature structured naturally or innately? I apologize if I am asking questions answered elsewhere. I was trying to catch up by reading your stacks but the process is slow.

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Well, much has been written on the natural swirling of running water as well as the influence of mineral content on structure, particularly silica, but not much definitive testing has been done to my knowledge.

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Does using a induction cooker impact water at all (structured or unstructured)? Will a microwave oven unstructure structured water? Is there an instrument to measure torsion fields or structured water?

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Microwaving is very destructuve. I know of no direct measure, except perhaps IR absorption which I have done. https://open.substack.com/pub/amidwesterndoctor/p/what-is-the-forgotten-side-of-water?r=1mlb0p&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Perhaps the structured water impacts acetaldehyde levels favorably, increasing metabolic conversion and elimination of it. (acetaldehyde is the two-carbon aldehyde metabolite of ethanol responsible for the toxic effects of drinking excessive alcohol - for those not familiar with alcohol metabolism, of which I am sure that Tim is). Could structured water surround the acetaldehyde in an insulating fashion, preventing its access to cells and subsequent toxicity (i.e. “trapping the toxins in the crystalline semi-solid/semi-liquid phase of water found at the periphery of the flow within the vascular system, rather than the liquid phase water in the middle of the vessel flow (serum flow, of course). Are there different spin or vibratory characteristics of crystalline water vs liquid? Hmmmmm. How could we test this,,,,

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Hmmmm... I learned in my early 30's that if I drank heavily on Saturday night (no blacking out or puking or hangover headaches, just really tipsy) I would be fine Sunday and Monday and then I have trouble going to sleep on Tuesday night and be incredibly depressed for days after that. 100 MG of 5htp every day after drinking for about 5 days seemed to do the trick to take care of the depressed mood.

Makes me wonder if that's not part of why I have so many alcoholics in my family, because if I hadn't approached alcohol carefully when I hit 21 and understood my brain chemistry as well as I did, then I could see myself reaching for another drink when I had trouble sleeping Tuesday night instead of reaching for the 5htp.

I'm not sure if your concoction would work for my issue though. My hypothesis is that getting super tipsy depleted my serotonin stores and it took several days to be noticeable, but supplementing the 5htp the morning after drinking would replenish the serotonin stores faster and I wouldn't get hit with the depressed mood and insomnia Tuesday night. Anyway, life got more stressful after my early 30's so I don't drink nearly as often as I used to, because I know it won't help the situation.

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