To be fair I only skimmed this post as I find reading ChatGPT mind-numbing...LOL Nonetheless, I did query ChatGPT about monkey pox being a particular concern for homosexual men....

Me: Are homosexual men the most vulnerable to monkey pox?

ChatGPT said:

While monkeypox can affect anyone, certain populations have been more vulnerable during recent outbreaks, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM). This has led to the perception that MSM are the most vulnerable group, though it's important to clarify that the virus is not exclusive to this community and can spread through close physical contact, regardless of sexual orientation.

Reasons MSM have been disproportionately affected:

Close contact during sexual activities: Monkeypox primarily spreads through close physical contact, including skin-to-skin contact. During the 2022 outbreak, many cases were linked to sexual networks within the MSM community, as the virus can spread through intimate contact, even if sex itself isn't the mode of transmission.

Tightly interconnected social and sexual networks: MSM communities in some urban areas tend to have tightly connected networks, making it easier for the virus to spread quickly in those contexts.

Important clarifications:

Monkeypox is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the traditional sense, as it can spread through non-sexual means, such as contact with contaminated objects (clothing, bedding) or respiratory droplets in prolonged close proximity.

Anyone can get monkeypox if they have close contact with an infected person, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, or activity.

Public health campaigns have aimed to increase awareness and prevention measures, particularly in communities where the spread is highest, but the virus is not limited to any one group.

Well in ChatGPT speak,,,,,this is a "yes" :-P

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This particular exchange cannot be skimmed. Read it. You will be amazed. The logic is so contorted; it's a marvel!

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😜 ok I’ll torture myself 👍

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