It is Chlorine Dioxide, Master Mineral Solution (MMS) made from Sodium Chlorite and acid activater, usually citric acid or hydrochloric acid. Jim Humble has written several books Also, Dr Andreas Kalcker andreaskalcker. com has refined the process. Jim says he helped people initially with malaria. Kalcker calls his version CDS. There is a website called COMUSAV. With how pharma react to natural things that can't be patented people who have promising cures always get shut down.
Extinction level event opener...tied in with the articles...all very technical articles at that.
I am assuming the articles listed...(pertaining to health related issues via the jab)....leads you to suggest we are in the throws of a possible extinction level event?
If that is the inference...then the problems we see will go well beyond acute issues we currently face...into long term issues resulting in mass casualties.
Hi, Timothy seems to be a man of few words and shows us the scientific stuff. I agree with you that most people, laypeople like me, don't fully understand terminology, symbols used, recognise many names of syndromes and have to look up what each means to gain understanding. Timothy, hope he doesn't mind me using his first name, has given a brilliant analogy comparing covid shots to an untested new bridge that collapses on first day of opening. Majority of readers are not medical or scientifically minded so in order for reasonably intelligent people who probably would click links to read more, I think he should include a brief synopsis, in easy language which will engage readers to delve deeper. I am positive this will help to widen his audience.
@Guy ~ I realize this reply is coming a little late, but if you are still interested in reviewing resources to share with the uninitiated, I've compiled a "red pill" library that can serve as a helpful starting point:
Exactly. Massive population decrease will cause a domino effect of other issues. The WEF and the United Nations agenda 2030 calls for a massive population reduction in order to “sustain” the planet and its resources. These people are globalist criminals. They’re disgusting.
Totally agree. Getting my contact list to even look at info like yours is near impossible. Maybe if I printed it off and taped it to their television screens they would read it.
At least that way they could say they saw it on tv.
So sum up the above articles...(in light of your intro heading)...what would a layman's "explanation in a paragraph" look like?
In a brief glance I gathered that vitamin C provides some hope and structured water or restructuring blood also may help.
Methyl Bs and magnesium, many things can help the body defend itself.
What are your thoughts on MMS which is supposed to aid healing?
It is Chlorine Dioxide, Master Mineral Solution (MMS) made from Sodium Chlorite and acid activater, usually citric acid or hydrochloric acid. Jim Humble has written several books Also, Dr Andreas Kalcker andreaskalcker. com has refined the process. Jim says he helped people initially with malaria. Kalcker calls his version CDS. There is a website called COMUSAV. With how pharma react to natural things that can't be patented people who have promising cures always get shut down.
What exactly are you saying?
Extinction level event opener...tied in with the articles...all very technical articles at that.
I am assuming the articles listed...(pertaining to health related issues via the jab)....leads you to suggest we are in the throws of a possible extinction level event?
If that is the inference...then the problems we see will go well beyond acute issues we currently face...into long term issues resulting in mass casualties.
Hi, Timothy seems to be a man of few words and shows us the scientific stuff. I agree with you that most people, laypeople like me, don't fully understand terminology, symbols used, recognise many names of syndromes and have to look up what each means to gain understanding. Timothy, hope he doesn't mind me using his first name, has given a brilliant analogy comparing covid shots to an untested new bridge that collapses on first day of opening. Majority of readers are not medical or scientifically minded so in order for reasonably intelligent people who probably would click links to read more, I think he should include a brief synopsis, in easy language which will engage readers to delve deeper. I am positive this will help to widen his audience.
@Guy ~ I realize this reply is coming a little late, but if you are still interested in reviewing resources to share with the uninitiated, I've compiled a "red pill" library that can serve as a helpful starting point:
Of special interest for the newbies and laypersons are the Overviews, from which you can pick and choose, depending on the audience:
As a starting point for sharing, here are the best of the best overviews
Good stuff. Thanks. I’m not a newby to all this but your info will definitely help some folks I know who are
Exactly. Massive population decrease will cause a domino effect of other issues. The WEF and the United Nations agenda 2030 calls for a massive population reduction in order to “sustain” the planet and its resources. These people are globalist criminals. They’re disgusting.
This is what is needed, some solutions to halt or even reverse the damages, some probably not even seen yet.
Totally agree. Getting my contact list to even look at info like yours is near impossible. Maybe if I printed it off and taped it to their television screens they would read it.
At least that way they could say they saw it on tv.
"Saw it on TV." Ha! ~ That's great.
grounding helps there!