All right this could be three different articles, which would make it a lot more likely to be shared.
Good job on the global warming BS. if you ever want some ammunition for that you can look at electroverse's substack.
On the chemtrails: all contrails are chemtrails. Even invisible jet exhaust is loaded with heavy metals and soot, the natural byproduct of burning kerosene. Jet traffic has increased exponentially in the last 30 years or so, so of course you're going to see tons more contrails in the sky. Unfortunately, jet exhaust pollution is perfectly legal. Also unfortunately, people who are trying to correct that situation are constantly being undercut by the Dane Wigington chemtrail cult.
The sun is indeed being whited out by stratospheric haze. This is also a byproduct of excessive jet pollution, but the powers that be are working on turning it into an intentional, and worse, thing.
Look for climateviewer anything if you would like actual information about anything weather related. Let me know if you want specific links. I promise to do a better job than chatGPT.
Chat needs to stop saying “Qanon”. That’s how we know it was programmed by the very Deep State Globalist Cabal it denies. There is Q and there are anons who follow or study the Q posts. C’mon, Chat! Do better
All right this could be three different articles, which would make it a lot more likely to be shared.
Good job on the global warming BS. if you ever want some ammunition for that you can look at electroverse's substack.
On the chemtrails: all contrails are chemtrails. Even invisible jet exhaust is loaded with heavy metals and soot, the natural byproduct of burning kerosene. Jet traffic has increased exponentially in the last 30 years or so, so of course you're going to see tons more contrails in the sky. Unfortunately, jet exhaust pollution is perfectly legal. Also unfortunately, people who are trying to correct that situation are constantly being undercut by the Dane Wigington chemtrail cult.
The sun is indeed being whited out by stratospheric haze. This is also a byproduct of excessive jet pollution, but the powers that be are working on turning it into an intentional, and worse, thing.
Look for climateviewer anything if you would like actual information about anything weather related. Let me know if you want specific links. I promise to do a better job than chatGPT.
Chat needs to stop saying “Qanon”. That’s how we know it was programmed by the very Deep State Globalist Cabal it denies. There is Q and there are anons who follow or study the Q posts. C’mon, Chat! Do better