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Yep.. saw the tooth fairy. :) very cute. so I am back up.. and tired whew. Lots of people did get the jab and are Ok: I will leave out the genetics right now but it was a chimerically genetically designed, though flawed, and actually unfinished experiment to take out an older population w/ many pre existing conditions which were exacerbated after getting the "JAB" or actually contracting Corona which falls in the "cold flu" category.. Sars 2. Keep that in mind. when I am feeling a LOT BETTER.. I will do a short article on the newest updates in Molecular Biology which contradict what we were taught (my b.s. is in Molecular Biology which basically genetics, chemistry etc. you can look up what means if you don't know: very pre med and a very difficult degree. I used to have a didactic memory... to the point and I will do a real science article on Substack about the fact that it has been now VERIFIED by current molecular biologists that there is NO SUCH THING as NON FUNCTIONING or silent areas of the DNA Codons in DNA. Everything in DNA and RNA has a function which is turned off and on. I read the article three times to reset my brain.. and update the old computer database .. from when I was in University. Maybe I will ask CHATTY CATHY.. that oh,, what is it called CHAT GPT.? Ok ttyl. gotta go.. just really tired and allergies are kicking me. :) Isabell

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