I think I lost all of my words regarding censorship in 2020 and 2021 we know big Tech, big Pharma, and government censored everything. And they continue to do so mainstream media, social media. They’re all in on it together. They’re all busting up the constitution; the first amendment. Anyone who does this needs to be dismantled

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Thank you! Excellent reporting.

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Where the hell is our Supreme Court in all of this? Can we no longer rely on them to save us?

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Thanks Donald; you picked a real winner (Barrett). She sides with authoritarianism every, single, time.


Should government ban Voodoo? This is a peculiar question on its face, but one worth asking in order to get to the heart of free speech or lack of. You see, Voodoo provides a unique backdrop to analyze the intersection of speech, belief, free will and harm, but before we begin, a few more questions must be raised.

1. Does belief in Voodoo matter? If belief in Voodoo on behalf of the victim is necessary for harm to occur, then the victim could simply choose to not believe in order to avoid harm. If the victim’s belief is not required for injury to occur, then free will is dead and perhaps government intervention is arguably justified.

So what is Voodoo? Voodoo is a practice of intention designed to influence the lives or conditions of self and or others. So whether an outright ‘incitement’ to violence such as ‘Kill all Democrats’ is shouted from the rooftops or dolls are poked with pins, both actions and beliefs ‘underpinning’ them (pun intended), constitute hate speech based on the ‘belief’ that they will likely lead to harm. In other words, simply uttering the magical incantation ‘Kill all Democrats’ or ‘Kill all Pedophiles’ (often, but not always, the same thing) should be sufficient to transform otherwise law-abiding Citizens into mindless Zombies capable of the most unspeakable atrocities, atrocities said Zombies will be utterly powerless to resist. In other words, the power of Voodoo for believers is so total as to be a nearly perfect cause/effect relationship regardless of the belief system of the target.

So does the belief system of the SCOTUS matter? Well, we can easily determine whether or not any given Justice is a believer in Voodoo based on how he or she views the First Amendment. If he/she believes in abstractions such as Hate Speech, he/she is a true believer and will rule in favor of protecting Citizens from the mindless hordes of Zombies triggered by magical incantations. If he/she is not a true believer, any ruling he/she makes will be easily summed up in just three words ‘sticks and stones.’

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