Well, the Donald and I finally have something in common, a giant hole in our right ears, in exactly the same place! No ‘right’ pun intended. What are the odds? Mine was made with a scalpel and his with a bullet (or a bumble bee, if Chris Wray is to be believed). My hole, which required a skin graph from my beautiful neck, was made to remove a basal cell carcinoma that had compromised the cartilage, necessitating complete removal (hole punch). It was two weeks before I could even remove the bandage, and when I did, it wasn’t pretty. Trump on the other hand, 20 years my senior, looks prettier than Mohammed Ali. I’m sorry to burst your WWE Wrestling bubble folks, but the Orange One simply looks too good. Bring on the hate mail; I’m growing thicker skin, and cartilage, by the day!
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When you can’t believe your own eyes. Programming complete!
Almost as big of a miracle as the photographer catching the bullet in mid air. MK Ultra has been extremely effective.
CIA Director William Casey : "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"?