I feel compelled to comment a bit further on Toby’s recent piece
because its implications are both profound and troubling in equal measure. If people like Feinstein, Newsom, Fetterman and Wojcicki
aren’t just crooks but also cult members, then we can’t just ‘follow the money’ like any good investigative reporter would. It means they aren’t rational actors and actually risked their lives for a belief system based on lies, or at best, unproven truths?
When viewed in this light, everything from Global Warming to Trans Rights takes on a whole new complexion? It’s no longer just crooks explointing the ignorant to gain power; it’s the inmates running the assylum! Thanks Toby! I may never sleep well again!
Either the elites got the jabs or they got saline and underestimated the shedding issue. Or the inmates are running the asylum.
After they started to fall, I thought “maybe they believe their own bullshit”, then after reading a bit on cults, I came to believe there more likely is a cult component at play. The plan is the plan and nothing will get in the way of the plan, not facts, not constitutions, not the legal system…. They Just keep pushing forward…. With blinkers on to anything but the plan.