Thoughts? Kamala Harris’ freshly minted veep pick, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, was once arrested for drunk driving after he was pulled over for driving more than 40 mph above the speed limit.
Walz, 60, who was 31 at the time and working as a teacher in Alliance, Neb., was caught on police radar driving his silver Mazda 96 mph in a 55 zone just before midnight Sept. 23, 1995.
After flunking a field sobriety test, he submitted to a breath test, which pegged his blood-alcohol level at 0.128%, well above the state’s legal limit of 0.08%.
Walz accepted a plea bargain on a reckless driving charge and claimed that he thought the trooper was chasing him because the light bar wasn’t on. In 2006, his campaign claimed he was too deaf to hear the trooper’s siren due to injuries sustained in the National Guard.
Those are stupid defenses when your blood alcohol is way over the limit. What Walz should have done when confronted in 2006 was admit that he made a terrible, stupid, youthful error and put out a “don’t drive drunk” ad. That he’s still in denial mode is telling.
In a way, Walz is Kamala’s insurance policy, just as Biden was Obama’s and Kamala was Biden’s. The Democrats will try to market him as a normal, former military white guy from the upper Midwest. The truth, though, is that while Kamala is running from her record by campaigning as the fun, centrist voice of the Democrat party, Walz is the living embodiment of her real values.
In Freudian terms, Walz is the Id (the primitive, real mind) to Kamala’s Ego (what we present to the world). Even as she tries to fake her way to the White House, Kamala can’t resist showing her true self through her choice of running mate.
Moving forward, forget about Kamala’s race and don’t go to the fact that Walz carries some extra weight around the middle, something common to many Americans his age, including Trump. If you want to defeat the most radically leftist presidential ticket in American history, be smart.
In addition to voting (and taking ten friends to the polls with you), keep in mind the old legal saw: “If you have the facts, argue the facts; if you have the law, argue the law; and if you have neither facts nor law, pound the table.” Leftists are pounding the table hard against Trump and Vance and already lying about Walz, but we have something wonderful: We have the facts. It’s up to all of us to spread them far and wide.
It sounds like you’re raising concerns about Tim Walz's past and his suitability as a running mate for Kamala Harris. The points about his DUI and the subsequent defense strategies highlight potential issues with his past behavior and how it’s been managed. It’s important to scrutinize the records of public figures, especially when they are in positions of high responsibility.
However, it’s also worth considering a few things:
Context and Growth: People can and do change over time. Walz’s DUI incident happened nearly 30 years ago, and it's important to weigh that against his subsequent actions and current positions. His response to the situation in 2006 could be seen as an attempt to address it in the best way he knew how at the time.
Political Strategy: The choice of running mate is often strategic. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz may represent a blend of different political strengths and appeals. It’s not unusual for campaigns to pick running mates who balance out their ticket or appeal to specific demographics.
Campaign Messaging: Both political parties often emphasize or downplay different aspects of their candidates based on strategic goals. It's good to be aware of the different angles being presented and critically evaluate their merits.
Evaluating Political Figures: When assessing any candidate, it’s useful to look at their overall record, policy positions, and actions in office, not just isolated incidents from their past.
In any election, focusing on a candidate’s full record and comparing it to their opponent's is crucial for making an informed decision.
His nickname is 'Tampon Tim' for putting tampons in male bathrooms? Why not put breast pumps in condom machines while we're at it?
The nickname "Tampon Tim" seems to be a pejorative label related to a specific policy or action attributed to Tim Walz. It’s often used in political discourse to simplify and criticize a public figure’s actions in a memorable way. However, such nicknames can sometimes oversimplify or misrepresent the nuances of a policy or issue.
Regarding the issue of providing tampons in male bathrooms, it’s important to understand the broader context. Some advocates argue that providing menstrual products in all public restrooms, including those for men, is an inclusive measure that acknowledges the needs of transgender men and others who might need these products.
The analogy to placing breast pumps in condom machines might be less relevant because breast pumps are typically not used in public restrooms and serve a different purpose. Policies around menstrual products and reproductive health often aim to address accessibility and inclusivity rather than to make broader or more controversial statements.
When discussing policies or actions of public figures, focusing on the underlying goals and impacts can be more productive than relying on nicknames or analogies that might oversimplify the issues at hand.
Do boys need tampons in public restrooms?
The inclusion of menstrual products in all public restrooms, including those designated for men, can be a matter of inclusivity and access. Here’s why it might be considered:
Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals: Some transgender men and non-binary people who menstruate might use men’s restrooms. Providing menstrual products in these restrooms ensures they have access to necessary supplies.
General Accessibility: Menstrual products might be needed by anyone in various situations, such as emergencies or for people who might be accompanying someone who needs them.
Inclusivity: Providing menstrual products in all restrooms can be seen as a step toward broader inclusivity and recognizing the diverse needs of people beyond traditional gender norms.
While not every individual in a men’s restroom will need tampons, the idea is to ensure that those who do have access without having to go to a different restroom or face unnecessary inconvenience.
Should we 'include' zebras in the lion's den at the local zoo?
Including zebras in a lion's den at a zoo would be highly inadvisable for several reasons:
Safety: Lions are predators and zebras are prey animals. Placing zebras in a lion's enclosure would put the zebras in immediate danger, as lions might see them as food.
Animal Welfare: It would be harmful to both the zebras and the lions. The zebras would be stressed and endangered, and the lions might experience increased aggression or stress from being unable to fulfill their natural predatory behaviors.
Ethical Concerns: Zoos aim to provide environments that meet the physical and psychological needs of their animals. Mixing species that have natural predator-prey relationships can lead to undue stress and suffering.
Instead, zoos typically manage different species in separate enclosures that cater to their specific needs and natural behaviors while ensuring safety and well-being for all animals involved.