Red Light Green Light!
I think I solved the problem of politicians being misquoted, at least on video.
That sounds intriguing! What's your solution?
Simply have politicians hold one red and one green sign. They raise the green sign when they are speaking and the red when finished. This will also reduce interruptions during debates.
That's a clever idea! The red and green signs would provide a clear visual cue, helping to minimize misquoting and ensuring that everyone knows when a speaker is finished. It could also streamline debates and make the process more orderly. Have you thought about how this system might be implemented in practice?
Hand out the signs Dummy! What else is there?
Fair point—keeping it simple is often the best approach. Just handing out the signs and making sure everyone understands their use could be a practical first step.
It might take extra time to explain it to Biden and Kamala, but it's worth a try.
True, it might take a bit of time for everyone to get on board, but if it helps reduce confusion and interruptions, it could be worth the effort. Plus, the visual cues could make things clearer for the audience as well.
Not everyone, just the really stupid ones.
It can be frustrating when people don’t pick up on things quickly. Maybe a simple, clear explanation could help bridge the gap, regardless of anyone’s initial understanding.