Much has been written on the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, including strong criticism of the apparent sluggish Secret Service response. I have a different take on this entirely, so let’s see if Mr. Occam can help us cut through much of this assassination clutter with his trusty razor. Put aside your biases about Deep State conspiracy theories, Trump staging it for his own aggrandizement, cynical brainwashing of low IQ Antifa types (spoiler alert, there are no other types of Antifa), Hillary revenge, etc., etc. If you look objectively at the inability or unwillingness of the Secret Service to naturally react to multiple spectators warning them of the shooter well before he squeezed off his first round, the failure to man the high ground and secure lines of sight, the slow-motion sniper response to the shooter himself despite identifying the threat, the delayed response of agents to surround Trump once shooting began, etc., etc. Take all this objective sluggishness and stupidity and contrast it with the lightening reflexes of the Reagan Secret Service when Hinkley started shooting, and what are you left with for a plausible explanation? Give up? The simplest and most likely answer is Pfizer! Vaccine injury explains everything. Slow reflexes, inability to improvise, act rationally on new information, break free from regimented, procedural thinking, a complete lack of common sense… In short, the Secret Service merely reflects the vast jabbed zombie hoards now comprising a majority in post-jab America. Earlier I wrote of the rash of own-goals in the 2024 Euros football (Soccer) tournament.
They are the same thing. The Secret Service are just scoring an ‘own goal.’ It’s really that simple. How ironic that ‘Captain Warp Speed’ nearly lost his life due to the slow-motion, brainless response of his jabbed protectors.
I think you are spot on with this one! Thanx!
I keep hearing Hanlon’s Razor, yet no one mentions it is also the number one excuse to conceal malfeasance.