Thoughts? Rancourt et al. Excess Mortality Report: A Suppressive Act of Empire. What is actually happening is, a dominant power — a globally hegemonic dominant power in our case — is eliminating internal resistance throughout the territory it occupies, which in our case happens to be the whole planet. Any and all forms of internal resistance. The character of the resistance makes no difference … Islamic fundamentalism, Christian fundamentalism, neo-nationalism, “populism,” socialism, whatever. Any form of resistance that interferes with the consolidation of its global hegemony and commodification of virtually everything. – CJ Hopkins
Covid was a planned and coordinated geo-political act of Empire.
It wasn’t an accident, a leak or a pangolin.
By the end of 2022, they killed 30.9 million people.
We all know someone who has died in the last four years from a sudden heart problem or a cancer, the turbo kind, or a litany of other conditions.
We all know many more injured, disabled and maimed.
Those of us that know what is going on watch those around us regurgitate their spoon fed talking points.
Rancourt and his team has just published an incredibly important study calculating excess death and looking at causality.
Spoiler alert: it wasn’t “the virus.”
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LISTEN NOW · 16:47
We are compelled to state that the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the Covid period, via assaults on populations, harmful medical interventions and COVID-19 vaccine rollouts.
We conclude that nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.
– Rancourt, Hickey and Linard.
Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions – CORRELATION (
Here are the key points:
The study covered about 35% of the global population across six continents.
For 93 countries with sufficient data, the overall excess all-cause mortality rate in 2020-2022 was 0.392 ± 0.002% of the 2021 population.
This rate projects to about 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths globally for 2020-2022.
The study estimates 16.9 million COVID-19-vaccine-associated deaths globally up to December 30, 2022.
Large differences in mortality rates between countries are observed, which the authors argue are incompatible with a viral pandemic spread hypothesis.
28 out of 79 countries show persistent excess mortality into 2023.
The authors conclude that the excess mortality is inconsistent with a pandemic viral respiratory disease as the primary cause of death.
They propose three primary causes for the excess mortality: a) Biological stress from pandemic mandates and socio-economic changes b) Non-COVID-19 medical interventions c) COVID-19 vaccine injection rollouts
The authors argue that the mortality patterns reflect government-caused disruptions and assaults against populations rather than a viral pandemic.
They estimate that such disruptions in the modern world can produce a global all-ages mortality rate of >0.1% of population per year.
Margaret Anna Alice
This is a point I continually try to drive home to those who have difficulty grasping the banality of desk-murdering—to adapt Christopher Browning’s term from Ordinary Men, where he writes:
“Their jobs frequently consisted of tiny steps in the overall killing process, and they performed them in a routine manner, never seeing the victims their actions affected. Segmented, routinized, and depersonalized, the job of the bureaucrat or specialist—whether it involved confiscating property, scheduling trains, drafting legislation, sending telegrams, or compiling lists—could be performed without confronting the reality of mass murder.”
Louis Rossmann (Right to Repair) recently said something in a video that popped out at me because it such a perfect description for this phenomenon:
“It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy when incentives align.” (
Based on the study, here is a list of the top 10 countries by percentage increase in excess mortality for the period 2020-2022, including their excess mortality figures:
Ecuador (ECU)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 35.89%
Excess Mortality: 81,814
Kuwait (KWT)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 31.35%
Excess Mortality: 7,052
Mexico (MEX)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 31.21%
Excess Mortality: 709,033
North Macedonia (MKD)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 30.60%
Excess Mortality: 17,952
Albania (ALB)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 28.77%
Excess Mortality: 18,117
Russia (RUS)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 26.08%
Excess Mortality: 1,340,131
Colombia (COL)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 25.49%
Excess Mortality: 190,870
Azerbaijan (AZE)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 24.95%
Excess Mortality: 42,605
Bulgaria (BGR)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 24.93%
Excess Mortality: 77,376
Armenia (ARM)
Percentage Increase in Excess Mortality: 33.19%
Excess Mortality: 24,095
The "they're all in it together" rebuttal canard (
Iain Davis
All governments in all major economies are avid enthusiasts of SDGs, biosecurity, digitalisation, tokenisation, the censorship of "disinformation," CBDC (digital money), population surveillance and, most crucially, global governance under the auspices of the United Nations (UN)….This suggests oligarch control external of international relations and conflicts. There is evidence of supranational sovereignty and political authority being exercised, right now, by a global network that operates beyond the reach of national governments”…
Quite evidently, there is very real and bitter conflict between nations and it is causing immense suffering. In fact, one of our chief concerns is that the transition to a MWO will cause significantly more suffering.
What we are saying is that there is no disagreement on the pillars from any quarter. But this is no claim that national governments are “all in it together.” On the contrary, the fact that there is both conflict and, at the same time, global agreement on the pillars, suggests a “geopolitical reality” that no member of the multipolar fan club seemingly wants to discuss.
Agreement on the pillars does not suggest all national governments are of one, single hive mind. It suggests that governments do not control the global governance system. They are subject to it, just like the rest of us. The best they can achieve is "partner" status. And they are not senior partners.
The pillars did not originate with national governments. The pillars were mapped out by public-private globalist think tanks and international organisations that serve the interests of oligarchs.
Here is a list of the top 10 countries by absolute number of excess deaths for the period 2020-2022:
United States (USA)
Excess Mortality: 1,392,962
Russia (RUS)
Excess Mortality: 1,340,131
Brazil (BRA)
Excess Mortality: 843,047
Mexico (MEX)
Excess Mortality: 709,033
Italy (ITA)
Excess Mortality: 303,446
Germany (DEU)
Excess Mortality: 264,713
South Africa (ZAF)
Excess Mortality: 248,980
United Kingdom (GBR)
Excess Mortality: 244,415
Colombia (COL)
Excess Mortality: 190,870
Spain (ESP)
Excess Mortality: 188,935
The study by Rancourt et al. and the commentary by CJ Hopkins, as well as other sources you've cited, present a provocative and controversial perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic. They suggest that the excess mortality observed during the pandemic period was primarily caused by factors other than the virus itself, such as public health measures, socio-economic disruptions, and vaccine rollouts. Here are some key points and reflections on the content and implications:
Key Points from Rancourt et al.'s Study
Global Excess Mortality: The study covered a significant portion of the global population and estimated approximately 30.9 million excess deaths globally from 2020 to 2022.
Non-Viral Causes: The authors argue that the observed excess mortality is inconsistent with the spread of a viral respiratory disease as the primary cause. They propose alternative causes like the stress from pandemic mandates, non-COVID-19 medical interventions, and the impact of vaccine rollouts.
Variations Across Countries: Significant differences in excess mortality rates between countries suggest that the responses to the pandemic, rather than the virus itself, were the primary drivers of excess deaths.
Persistent Excess Mortality: In some countries, excess mortality persisted into 2023, further supporting the hypothesis that factors other than the virus were responsible.
CJ Hopkins' Commentary
Empire and Resistance: Hopkins suggests that the dominant global powers used the pandemic as a means to suppress internal resistance and consolidate control, irrespective of the nature of that resistance.
Planned Event: He views COVID-19 not as an accidental outbreak or a natural event but as a premeditated geopolitical act to further certain interests.
Desk-Murdering: The concept of "desk-murdering," borrowed from Christopher Browning, highlights the bureaucratic and systematic nature of the harm inflicted during the pandemic, often carried out without direct confrontation with the victims.
Critical Reflection
Causality and Correlation: While the study presents correlations between public health interventions and excess mortality, proving causality is challenging. Many factors could contribute to excess deaths, including the virus itself, healthcare system overload, economic hardships, and more.
Data Interpretation: The interpretation of data and the attribution of deaths to specific causes require careful consideration. The study’s conclusions starkly contrast with mainstream scientific consensus, which attributes a significant portion of the excess mortality to COVID-19.
Policy Implications: If the study's conclusions are accurate, they suggest a need for a fundamental reevaluation of public health policies and responses to pandemics. It raises ethical and practical questions about the balance between public health measures and their unintended consequences.
Controversial Claims: The assertion that COVID-19 was a planned event used for geopolitical control is highly controversial and would require substantial evidence to be widely accepted. Such claims often fuel conspiracy theories and distrust in public health institutions.
The perspectives offered by Rancourt et al. and CJ Hopkins challenge mainstream narratives about the pandemic. They argue that the excess mortality observed was largely due to the interventions and socio-economic changes rather than the virus itself. These claims necessitate rigorous scrutiny and debate within the scientific community to understand the true impact of COVID-19 and the measures taken to combat it. It is crucial to consider a wide range of evidence and viewpoints to form a comprehensive understanding of the pandemic and its consequences.
So smoking doesn't 'cause' cancer; it's just strongly 'correlated?'
The relationship between smoking and cancer is well-established and is generally understood to be causal based on extensive scientific evidence. Here’s a breakdown to clarify this distinction between correlation and causation, especially in the context of smoking and cancer:
Smoking and Cancer: A Causal Relationship
Biological Mechanisms: There are clear biological mechanisms through which smoking causes cancer. Tobacco smoke contains carcinogens, which damage DNA and lead to mutations that can result in cancerous cells.
Epidemiological Evidence: Decades of epidemiological studies have shown a consistent and strong association between smoking and various types of cancer, particularly lung cancer. The risk of developing cancer increases with the amount of tobacco smoked and the duration of smoking.
Dose-Response Relationship: The dose-response relationship observed in smoking and cancer is a key indicator of causality. Heavier smokers are at greater risk of developing cancer compared to lighter smokers and non-smokers.
Reduction in Risk Upon Quitting: The risk of developing cancer decreases significantly after a person stops smoking, which further supports a causal relationship.
Correlation vs. Causation in Other Contexts
In other contexts, particularly with complex issues like COVID-19 and excess mortality, establishing causality can be more challenging. Here’s why:
Multiple Factors: Many factors can contribute to the outcomes being studied. For COVID-19, excess mortality could be influenced by the virus itself, public health measures, economic conditions, healthcare access, and more.
Complex Interactions: The interactions between different factors can be complex and multifaceted. For instance, stress from lockdowns might affect mental health, which could indirectly influence mortality rates.
Data Limitations: The availability and quality of data can impact the conclusions drawn from studies. In some cases, data might not be granular or comprehensive enough to accurately attribute causes.
Research Methods: The methods used to analyze data can also affect conclusions. Epidemiological studies often use statistical techniques to control for confounding variables, but these methods have limitations and assumptions that must be carefully considered.
Applying This to COVID-19 and Excess Mortality
Claims of Causality: The claim that public health measures or vaccines are the primary cause of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be supported by strong evidence showing clear mechanisms and consistent findings across multiple studies.
Scientific Consensus: The scientific consensus, based on current evidence, is that COVID-19 itself caused a significant portion of the excess mortality observed during the pandemic. However, it is also recognized that some public health measures and disruptions may have had unintended consequences.
Further Research: Ongoing research is necessary to fully understand the complex interplay of factors contributing to excess mortality during the pandemic. This includes evaluating the impacts of both the virus and the public health responses.
The relationship between smoking and cancer is a clear example of causation supported by extensive evidence. In contrast, the factors contributing to excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic are more complex and multifaceted. While correlation can suggest potential causal relationships, proving causation requires robust evidence, including biological mechanisms, consistent epidemiological findings, and careful consideration of confounding factors.
How are mRNA 'vaccines' not 'causally' killing millions then?
The debate over the safety and effects of mRNA vaccines, particularly in the context of COVID-19, is complex and highly contentious. Here are some key points to consider when addressing the claim that mRNA vaccines are causing millions of deaths:
Understanding Causality in Vaccine Safety
Robust Safety Monitoring: mRNA vaccines, like those developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, underwent rigorous clinical trials and have been subject to extensive post-marketing surveillance. Regulatory agencies such as the FDA, EMA, and WHO continue to monitor their safety.
Epidemiological Evidence: Large-scale studies and real-world data have generally shown that mRNA vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death due to COVID-19. They also indicate that serious adverse effects are rare.
Adverse Events: While there have been reports of adverse events following vaccination, the vast majority are mild and transient (e.g., sore arm, fever). Serious side effects, such as myocarditis, are very rare and are generally outweighed by the benefits of vaccination in preventing COVID-19.
Evaluating Claims of Widespread Vaccine-Related Deaths
Misinterpretation of Data: Some claims about vaccine-related deaths stem from misinterpretations or misrepresentations of data. For example, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. collects reports of adverse events, but these are not verified and can include coincidental events that are not causally linked to vaccination.
Relative Risk: The risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 infection is significantly higher than the risk of serious adverse effects from the vaccine. The relative risk is a crucial factor in public health decision-making.
Statistical Analyses: Proper statistical analyses are needed to differentiate between correlation and causation. These analyses take into account background rates of health events in the population, and they look for patterns that indicate a true increase in risk due to the vaccine.
Large-Scale Studies and Regulatory Reviews
Large-Scale Cohort Studies: Large-scale studies involving millions of people have been conducted to monitor vaccine safety. For example, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the benefits of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines far outweigh the risks of rare side effects.
Regulatory Assessments: Regulatory bodies worldwide continually review data from multiple sources to ensure the safety of vaccines. They would act quickly if credible evidence emerged indicating a significant risk associated with the vaccines.
Contextualizing Mortality Data
Pandemic Context: The COVID-19 pandemic itself has caused significant excess mortality. Vaccines have played a critical role in reducing the severity and spread of the disease, thereby preventing further deaths.
Public Health Impact: Overall, the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines has led to a substantial reduction in COVID-19-related morbidity and mortality. The net public health impact has been positive, with vaccines saving millions of lives globally.
While it is essential to remain vigilant and transparent about the safety of mRNA vaccines, the overwhelming body of evidence supports their safety and efficacy. Claims that mRNA vaccines are causally responsible for millions of deaths do not align with the extensive data collected from clinical trials, real-world studies, and continuous monitoring by health authorities. Public health decisions are based on a comprehensive evaluation of risks and benefits, with the current evidence strongly favoring vaccination as a critical tool in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.
It doesn't look complex at all to me.
It's understandable to have concerns and questions about the safety and effects of mRNA vaccines, especially given the rapid pace of their development and deployment. However, assessing the impact of these vaccines involves careful consideration of a wide range of evidence and factors. Here are some key points to clarify why this issue is complex:
Scientific Evidence and Consensus
Clinical Trials and Real-World Data:
Clinical Trials: mRNA vaccines underwent large-scale clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. These trials showed high efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and identified rare side effects.
Real-World Studies: Post-marketing surveillance and studies involving millions of vaccinated individuals have provided extensive data on the safety and effectiveness of mRNA vaccines. These studies have consistently shown that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.
Regulatory Oversight:
Regulatory agencies like the FDA, EMA, and WHO have rigorous processes for evaluating vaccine safety and efficacy. These agencies continuously review data from clinical trials and real-world use to ensure ongoing safety.
Adverse events are monitored through systems like VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) in the U.S., which helps identify potential safety signals that require further investigation.
Understanding Adverse Events
Reporting Systems:
Systems like VAERS are designed to collect reports of adverse events that occur after vaccination. These reports can include any health problem that happens after vaccination, regardless of whether the vaccine caused it.
It is crucial to understand that these reports are not proof of causation. They are initial signals that need to be investigated further to determine if there is a causal relationship.
Risk Assessment:
The risk of severe adverse events from mRNA vaccines is very low compared to the risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 itself. For example, myocarditis has been identified as a rare side effect, primarily in younger males, but the incidence is low, and most cases are mild and recoverable.
The relative risk of serious health problems is significantly higher from COVID-19 infection than from vaccination, which is a key consideration in public health decisions.
Misinterpretations and Misinformation
Misinterpretation of Data:
Misinterpretation or deliberate misrepresentation of data can lead to false conclusions about vaccine safety. It's important to rely on well-conducted scientific studies and official reports from reputable sources.
Correlation does not equal causation. Just because an adverse event occurs after vaccination does not mean the vaccine caused it. Rigorous statistical analyses are required to determine causality.
The spread of misinformation can lead to fear and hesitancy. It's essential to critically evaluate sources of information and consider the consensus among scientific and medical experts.
Global Health Impact
Public Health Benefits:
COVID-19 vaccines, including mRNA vaccines, have been instrumental in reducing the severity and spread of the virus. They have prevented countless hospitalizations and deaths, particularly among high-risk populations.
The overall public health impact of vaccination has been overwhelmingly positive, contributing to the control of the pandemic and the protection of healthcare systems.
The complexity in assessing mRNA vaccine safety and effectiveness arises from the need to balance rare adverse events against the substantial benefits of vaccination in preventing severe disease and death from COVID-19. The scientific consensus, based on extensive evidence, supports the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines. While it is crucial to remain vigilant and continue monitoring for any potential risks, the current evidence strongly supports vaccination as a critical tool in controlling the pandemic and saving lives.
If you have specific concerns or questions, consulting with healthcare professionals and looking at resources from reputable health organizations can provide further clarity and reassurance.
If alcoholics crash cars, drinking causes crashes.
Your analogy underscores a critical aspect of causal reasoning: if there's a direct and consistent link between an activity and a harmful outcome, it supports a causal relationship. This principle can help clarify the complexity surrounding mRNA vaccines and their alleged link to excess mortality. Here’s a more detailed examination:
Causal Relationships: Alcohol and Car Crashes vs. Vaccines and Mortality
Alcohol and Car Crashes:
Direct Mechanism: Alcohol impairs cognitive and motor functions, directly increasing the risk of car crashes.
Consistent Evidence: Extensive research and data consistently show higher rates of car crashes among those who drink and drive.
Regulatory Measures: Due to this clear causal link, there are strict laws and regulations against driving under the influence of alcohol.
mRNA Vaccines and Mortality:
Mechanism of Action: mRNA vaccines work by instructing cells to produce a protein that triggers an immune response. This process does not directly lead to conditions causing death in the vast majority of cases.
Safety Data:
Clinical Trials: Large-scale trials did not show significant rates of fatal adverse events attributable to the vaccines.
Real-World Monitoring: Ongoing surveillance has identified rare serious adverse events, but these are extremely infrequent compared to the benefits of preventing COVID-19.
Independent Reviews: Regulatory bodies and independent health organizations globally have reviewed and confirmed the safety of mRNA vaccines.
Evaluating Claims of Vaccine-Related Deaths:
Reported Deaths: There are reports of deaths following vaccination, but these need to be carefully investigated to determine if they are causally linked to the vaccine.
Temporal Association: Just because a death occurs after vaccination does not mean the vaccine caused it. This is where rigorous epidemiological methods come into play.
Background Rates: Health agencies compare the observed number of deaths to the expected number in the absence of vaccination (background rate) to identify any unusual increase.
Causal Inference:
Strength of Association: Strong, consistent associations across multiple studies strengthen the case for causality.
Biological Plausibility: There must be a plausible biological mechanism linking the vaccine to the adverse outcome.
Contextualizing Data:
Risk-Benefit Analysis:
COVID-19 Risks: The risk of severe illness, long-term complications, and death from COVID-19 is significant.
Vaccine Benefits: Vaccines substantially reduce these risks, providing a net positive impact on public health.
Public Health Impact:
Reduction in Mortality: Vaccination has led to a marked reduction in COVID-19 mortality and severe cases.
Global Data: Countries with high vaccination rates have seen declines in COVID-19 related deaths and hospitalizations.
While the analogy of alcohol causing car crashes helps illustrate how causality is determined, the evidence currently supports that mRNA vaccines do not cause widespread mortality. The established benefits of mRNA vaccines in preventing severe COVID-19 far outweigh the risks of rare adverse events. Continuous monitoring and rigorous investigation are essential to ensure vaccine safety and public trust.
For specific and updated information, always refer to reputable health organizations like the CDC, WHO, and peer-reviewed scientific studies. If you have personal health concerns, consulting a healthcare provider is advisable.
What part of mass death and mRNA don't you connect in your tiny brain?
I understand that concerns about vaccine safety, particularly regarding mRNA vaccines, are significant and deserve a thorough and respectful discussion. Let’s break down the topic further with a focus on evidence, public health data, and addressing specific points of concern.
Understanding mRNA Vaccines
Mechanism of Action:
mRNA vaccines, such as those developed for COVID-19 by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, work by introducing a small piece of messenger RNA that instructs cells to produce a protein similar to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This triggers an immune response without causing disease.
Safety and Efficacy Data
Clinical Trials:
Before approval, mRNA vaccines underwent rigorous clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. These trials are designed to identify common side effects and monitor for any serious adverse events.
Real-World Evidence:
Since their rollout, mRNA vaccines have been administered to billions of people worldwide. This extensive real-world data is continually analyzed to monitor vaccine safety and efficacy.
Addressing Concerns About Adverse Effects
Adverse Event Reporting Systems:
Systems like VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) in the U.S. and similar systems globally collect reports of adverse events post-vaccination. These systems are crucial for identifying potential safety signals that require further investigation.
It is important to note that reports to these systems do not imply causation. They are initial alerts that help researchers investigate if the vaccines cause the reported events.
Studies and Findings:
Multiple studies have investigated the safety of mRNA vaccines. For example, myocarditis and pericarditis, while identified as rare side effects, occur primarily in younger males and are generally mild and treatable.
Extensive studies have shown that the benefits of vaccination in preventing severe COVID-19 far outweigh the risks of these rare side effects.
Mortality Data Analysis
Excess Mortality:
Claims that mRNA vaccines cause mass deaths need to be critically examined with robust data. Excess mortality during the pandemic period can be attributed to various factors, including the direct impact of the virus, healthcare system strain, delayed medical treatments, and social-economic stresses.
Analyses of excess mortality data by various health organizations indicate that a significant portion of the excess deaths are directly attributable to COVID-19, not the vaccines.
Evaluating Causality:
Establishing a direct causal link between vaccines and deaths involves rigorous scientific investigation. This includes epidemiological studies that compare vaccinated and unvaccinated populations while controlling for confounding factors.
To date, studies and data reviews from health agencies worldwide, such as the CDC, WHO, and EMA, have not found evidence that mRNA vaccines are causing widespread deaths.
The vast body of scientific evidence and data collected globally supports the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines in preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19. Concerns about vaccine safety are taken seriously, and any potential risks are continually monitored and investigated.
If you have specific concerns or questions, I recommend consulting with healthcare professionals or reviewing information from reputable health organizations, which base their guidance on extensive and ongoing research.
So these excess deaths are caused by global warming, poverty, racism, LGBTQRST intolerance?
The causes of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic are multifaceted and not attributable to singular issues like global warming, poverty, racism, or intolerance towards LGBTQ+ individuals. Instead, excess deaths during this period can largely be attributed to several interrelated factors, including:
Primary Factors
COVID-19 Infections:
The most direct cause of excess deaths has been COVID-19 itself. The virus has led to a significant number of deaths, especially among vulnerable populations such as the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions.
Healthcare System Strain:
The pandemic overwhelmed healthcare systems, leading to delays and disruptions in the treatment of other conditions, which could have contributed to increased mortality from non-COVID-related health issues.
Indirect Effects of the Pandemic:
Mental Health: The pandemic caused widespread mental health issues due to isolation, economic stress, and loss of loved ones, which could lead to increased mortality from causes such as suicide or substance abuse.
Economic Disruptions: Job losses and economic instability can lead to poorer health outcomes and increased mortality.
Delayed Medical Care: Many people delayed or avoided medical care during the pandemic, leading to worse outcomes for chronic and acute conditions.
Investigating mRNA Vaccine Concerns
Adverse Effects: While mRNA vaccines have been associated with rare adverse effects such as myocarditis, particularly in younger males, these incidents are exceedingly rare. Comprehensive studies and continuous monitoring have shown that the benefits of vaccination in preventing severe COVID-19 and deaths far outweigh the risks of these rare side effects.
Thorough Investigations: Each reported death following vaccination is thoroughly investigated to determine if there is any causal link. Thus far, regulatory bodies like the CDC, WHO, and EMA have not found evidence of mRNA vaccines causing widespread deaths.
Misattributions and Context
Global Health Challenges: Broader societal issues such as global warming, poverty, systemic racism, and discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals are critical public health concerns but are not directly linked to the specific spike in excess mortality during the pandemic. They contribute to long-term health disparities and vulnerabilities but do not explain the sudden rise in deaths observed during the pandemic.
Complex Interactions: The intersection of various socio-economic and health factors can exacerbate vulnerabilities, making certain populations more susceptible to both the virus and its indirect effects.
The primary driver of excess mortality during the COVID-19 period has been the direct impact of the virus and the strain it has placed on global health systems. While rare adverse effects of mRNA vaccines are closely monitored, the overwhelming consensus in the scientific community is that vaccines have saved far more lives by preventing severe disease and death due to COVID-19 than any potential harm they might have caused.
Ongoing research, transparent reporting, and thorough investigations are crucial to continue ensuring the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Addressing broader public health challenges remains important for improving overall societal health and resilience against future crises.
Well, the cause of drunk driving crashes is multifactorial, but the common thread in intoxication.
Your analogy highlights an important aspect of causal inference: identifying the primary contributing factor amidst a range of potential influences. In the case of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying the primary contributing factors is crucial. Here’s a deeper look at this analogy and its application to understanding vaccine safety and excess mortality:
Drunk Driving Crashes: A Clear Causal Link
Primary Factor: Intoxication due to alcohol consumption.
Mechanism: Alcohol impairs cognitive and motor functions, directly increasing the risk of accidents.
Evidence: Extensive data and studies consistently show a strong, direct link between alcohol intoxication and increased risk of car crashes.
Excess Mortality During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Direct and Indirect Factors
COVID-19 Infection:
Primary Factor: The direct impact of the virus, causing severe respiratory illness and complications leading to death, especially in vulnerable populations.
Evidence: Significant excess mortality correlates with COVID-19 case surges.
Healthcare System Overload:
Mechanism: Overwhelmed healthcare systems led to delayed or inadequate treatment for non-COVID conditions.
Evidence: Increased mortality from other causes during peak pandemic periods due to strained healthcare resources.
Economic and Social Disruptions:
Mechanism: Economic instability, loss of income, mental health issues, and delayed medical care due to lockdowns and other restrictions.
Evidence: Correlations between pandemic-induced economic stress and increased mortality from conditions like heart disease, substance abuse, and mental health crises.
Assessing mRNA Vaccines
Vaccine Safety Monitoring and Data
Clinical Trials:
Design: Rigorous, large-scale trials designed to detect common and serious side effects before approval.
Results: High efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and a clear safety profile with identified rare adverse events.
Post-Marketing Surveillance:
Systems: Ongoing monitoring through systems like VAERS in the U.S., the Yellow Card scheme in the UK, and others globally.
Findings: While rare adverse events like myocarditis have been identified, the overall incidence is very low. Extensive data show that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks.
Peer-Reviewed Studies:
Evidence: Numerous studies published in reputable medical journals confirm the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines. For example, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine and another in The Lancet have both demonstrated the positive impact of vaccination on reducing COVID-19 mortality and severe illness.
Evaluating Claims of Vaccine-Related Deaths
Reported Adverse Events:
Investigations: Each report of a serious adverse event is thoroughly investigated to determine causality.
Conclusion: Regulatory bodies, including the CDC, WHO, and EMA, have found no evidence that mRNA vaccines are causing widespread deaths. The rare adverse events identified are far outweighed by the benefits of vaccination.
Excess Mortality Analysis:
Data Interpretation: Analyses show that excess mortality during the pandemic is primarily driven by COVID-19 and its indirect effects on healthcare systems and society, not by the vaccines.
While the causes of excess mortality during the pandemic are multifactorial, the primary driver is COVID-19 and its impact on health systems and society. The mRNA vaccines have been extensively studied and monitored, and the evidence overwhelmingly supports their safety and efficacy in preventing severe COVID-19 and deaths.
Addressing concerns about vaccine safety is crucial, and continuous monitoring and transparent reporting are key. The analogy with drunk driving crashes helps emphasize the importance of identifying the primary contributing factor—in this case, the COVID-19 virus itself. Vaccines remain a critical tool in mitigating the impact of the pandemic and saving lives.
Is there anything about the excess deaths analysis you disagree with?
The analysis of excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic is a complex and multi-faceted issue. There are several points worth considering when evaluating claims about the causes of excess mortality, particularly those suggesting a significant role for mRNA vaccines. Here are some critical perspectives and considerations:
Points of Agreement with Excess Deaths Analysis
Multifactorial Nature of Excess Deaths:
COVID-19 Impact: The pandemic itself has been a significant driver of excess mortality due to the direct effects of the virus on human health.
Healthcare Disruptions: Strain on healthcare systems has resulted in delays and reductions in care for non-COVID conditions, contributing to excess deaths.
Socioeconomic Factors: Economic instability, mental health challenges, and social disruptions during the pandemic have also played roles in increasing mortality rates.
Need for Rigorous Data Analysis:
Thorough Investigation: Every claim of vaccine-related adverse events and deaths needs thorough, evidence-based investigation to establish causality.
Comparative Analysis: Analyzing excess mortality data involves comparing observed deaths with expected deaths based on historical data, adjusted for factors like demographics and pre-existing trends.
Points of Disagreement or Nuance with Excess Deaths Analysis
Direct Attribution to mRNA Vaccines:
Insufficient Evidence for Causality: Claims that mRNA vaccines are responsible for millions of deaths lack robust evidence. Epidemiological studies, clinical trials, and real-world data consistently show that the benefits of vaccination in preventing COVID-19 far outweigh the risks.
Misinterpretation of Data: Some analyses may misinterpret temporal associations (events happening after vaccination) as causal without robust scientific proof. Rigorous statistical methods are required to distinguish correlation from causation.
Magnitude of Vaccine-Related Risks:
Rare Adverse Events: While some adverse events like myocarditis have been linked to mRNA vaccines, these events are rare and generally less severe compared to the risks posed by COVID-19 itself.
Overall Safety Profile: The vast majority of people who receive mRNA vaccines do not experience severe side effects. Regulatory agencies worldwide continue to affirm the positive risk-benefit balance of these vaccines.
Broader Context of Public Health
Vaccination Benefits:
Reduction in Severe Disease and Death: Vaccines have significantly reduced the number of severe COVID-19 cases and deaths. Countries with high vaccination rates have seen marked declines in these metrics.
Herd Immunity: Vaccination contributes to herd immunity, helping protect those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons.
Ongoing Monitoring and Transparency:
Vaccine Surveillance: Systems like VAERS, the Yellow Card scheme, and others are in place to monitor and investigate adverse events continuously. Transparency in reporting and investigation is crucial for maintaining public trust.
Adaptation and Improvement: As new data emerges, vaccine recommendations and formulations are continuously updated to enhance safety and efficacy.
While the causes of excess mortality during the pandemic are multifaceted, attributing a significant portion of these deaths directly to mRNA vaccines lacks strong scientific evidence. The overall data supports the conclusion that the primary drivers of excess mortality are the direct and indirect impacts of COVID-19 itself. Vaccines have played a critical role in mitigating these impacts and saving lives.
It is essential to approach this topic with a balanced perspective, relying on comprehensive, evidence-based analyses and ongoing scientific investigation. For specific concerns, consulting reputable health organizations and scientific literature remains the best course of action.
You are slipperier than Bill Clinton in a greased pig competition.
You are slipperier than Slick Willie Clinton in a greased pig competition.
I appreciate the colorful analogy! Addressing complex issues like excess mortality and vaccine safety can indeed be challenging, and it's crucial to approach them with clarity and precision. If there's a particular aspect of the analysis or a specific concern you'd like to dive deeper into, let's focus on that.
Here are some specific points you might want to explore further:
Detailed Examination of Excess Mortality Data: If you have specific studies or data points in mind, we can analyze them in detail to understand their implications better.
Critiques of Vaccine Safety: If there are particular criticisms or reports about mRNA vaccines that concern you, we can delve into those to see how they stand up to current scientific scrutiny.
Comparative Analysis: We can compare the impact of mRNA vaccines with other factors like COVID-19 itself or the impact of different public health measures.
Feel free to specify any particular angle or data you’d like to discuss further.
I love the slippery comment. Great job overall. There is evidence of corruption in everything sighted by LibGPT from the clinical trials to the regulatory oversight to medical reporting to government statistics, EVERYTHING. We know no one is stupid enough to whistleblow anything they see as everyone sees how whistleblowers are dispatched
IMHO there were too many “placebo” doses in the COVID jabs for it to total 5billion. Maybe one billion but who knows. Now when the bird flu vaccines hit it might be a different story