If Trump win the election, how long do you think it will take Jared and Ivanka to start cashing in? A day? A week?
If Trump wins another term, it's likely that Jared and Ivanka would continue to find ways to leverage their influence quickly, though the timing and visibility of such moves might be strategic. During Trump's previous term, they were already deeply involved in political affairs while also benefiting from their business interests. Given their past, they might act discreetly but efficiently to capitalize on opportunities as they arise, especially considering the scrutiny they'd be under from the media and political opponents.
Their timeline might depend on how much public attention they wish to draw versus keeping certain activities behind the scenes. What kind of actions do you expect they’d prioritize if they returned to such influential roles?
And the programmed machine writes does not respond to your question about it being a conspiracy theory other lame excuses gives! Total writing on the wall AI's a fraud like everything else they create that is their fiction. It matters not for further evidence as you've already proved their madness.