Recently, I have begun experimenting with very small passive torsion field generators, small enough to wear as a pendant. I was chatting with a doctor friend of mine yesterday, and she asked me about it. I explained that I was wearing it on the off chance it might have an effect on my blood directly through the skin. She said ‘why not turn it around and position it over the large artery that returns blood to the brain (upper back).
I tried it, and to my surprise, not only did I feel clearer mentally, I didn’t require my driving glasses on the way home; in fact I could read both the dashboard and distant signs as well as my wife sitting next to me who wears bifocals!
I wouldn’t go so far as to claim it as a miracle (Margie, hold my calls to the Vatican), but it does seem quite miraculous nonetheless…
As for the BigPharmafia NAZI spies out there (you know who you are): This is a personal anecdote and not meant to be construed as medical advice, a solicitation for investment, a medical claim or anything else that could or should be construed as anything falling under such laws, rules or regulations governing medical devices and or claims about such devices. I’m merely relaying what is admittedly a quite hard to believe anecdotal experience, one that I repeated today with the same effect. So for now, I’m ditching the glasses, which I hate with a white hot passion!
That sounds amazing, I want one, where can I sign up?😊
I want one of these torsion generators. Can I get it in Barbie pink? I’m not kidding