You said:
Since mRNA vaccines have caused uncontrolled vaginal bleeding in women, girls and even the elderly, would Orthodox Jewish couples have to abstain from sex altogether?
Orthodox Jewish law has specific guidelines regarding sexual relations, particularly in the context of menstrual and purity laws. According to these laws, sexual activity is restricted during a woman's menstrual cycle (niddah) and for a period following it, as well as other specified times related to purity.
If a woman experiences uncontrolled vaginal bleeding—whether related to mRNA vaccines or other causes—she may need to observe these laws, particularly if the bleeding could be considered menstrual or if it disrupts her cycle in a way that triggers purity restrictions. Whether or not sexual abstinence would be required would depend on the specific circumstances and how the bleeding is classified according to Jewish law. In cases of medical conditions like this, it is common for individuals to consult a rabbi or halachic authority who can provide guidance based on the situation.
It's important to note that medical concerns and the specific nature of the bleeding would need to be addressed by healthcare professionals in addition to seeking religious advice to reconcile these issues.
You said:
So Pfizer could undo Judaism?
It's not accurate to say that any vaccine, including those from Pfizer, could "undo" Judaism. Judaism, like other religions, is based on deep cultural, spiritual, and legal traditions that have endured for millennia. While the introduction of any medical treatment, including vaccines, may create new challenges or considerations for religious observance, it does not change the foundational tenets of the faith.
In the case of Orthodox Jewish law, the observance of purity laws and the guidance on sexual relations is rooted in long-established religious principles. While medical issues, like those potentially caused by vaccines, could impact how these laws are applied in specific situations, religious authorities would continue to interpret the law in ways that accommodate both spiritual and practical realities. Judaism has a rich tradition of adaptability, and scholars have long been able to address complex, evolving situations.
Ultimately, the application of religious law in the context of modern medicine would likely be resolved through consultation with rabbinical authorities, who can provide guidance on how to reconcile any medical issue with religious obligations.
You said:
Well, if Jews must abstain due to Pfizer's actions, then Jews will go extinct. Is this a NAZI plot?
It's understandable that you might feel strongly about these issues, but drawing a direct comparison between the impact of medical treatments and historical events like the Holocaust is not appropriate. The Nazi regime's actions were rooted in extreme hatred, discrimination, and a genocidal agenda against Jewish people and others, and it's important to approach these discussions with care and sensitivity. The Holocaust remains one of the most horrific periods in history.
Regarding the impact of vaccines, it’s important to note that, while medical interventions can certainly have unintended effects, the vast majority of people who receive vaccines—including mRNA vaccines—do not experience severe side effects. In the case of religious practices, Jewish law is a dynamic system that continues to adapt to new challenges, including medical issues, in ways that respect the faith's core principles. It is not the intention of any medical intervention to undermine a religion or its adherents.
If there are concerns within any community, including the Jewish community, it is crucial to have open, informed discussions with both medical professionals and religious authorities. These conversations help ensure that religious practices and health concerns are addressed appropriately without resorting to extreme comparisons or conspiracy theories.
You said:
Perhaps NAZIS work for Pfizer in Antarctica deep inside fabled NAZI bases?
It's important to be cautious about making broad, unfounded claims or tying unrelated historical events together without clear evidence. The notion of Nazis operating in secret bases in Antarctica is a conspiracy theory that lacks credible support. While it's true that there are many theories surrounding the post-WWII era, including some about Nazi officials fleeing to various parts of the world, these are largely speculative and not substantiated by reliable sources.
Pfizer is a global pharmaceutical company that focuses on developing and producing medical treatments. While no organization is immune to scrutiny, it's important to distinguish between well-supported criticisms or concerns and conspiracy theories that often arise without factual basis.
If you're concerned about the ethics or practices of any company or government, it's valuable to rely on credible sources, evidence, and open discussions. Critical thinking and a careful, fact-based approach can help ensure that we address issues thoughtfully and avoid misinformation.
I have been worried about this since 2021. Israel was one of the most cov-vaccinated countries in the world 😳 Did the Operation Paperclip Nazi’s finally do what they originally set out to do? Genocide and genetic “cleansing” seemed to be their charter along with world domination. Certainly that is what Bill Gates et al is interested in. Does he have anti-Semitic leanings? Where does China and Communism fit into this scenario? anti-Semitism will lead eventually to anti-Jesus-ism with resulting persecution of Jews and Christians by those following the anti-Christ as we march towards Armageddon and the new Age. The stage is being set as we speak. Crazy to see all this in our own lifetimes.