Could you write me a Catholic prayer to help strengthen me for the fight against the psychopathic, Globalist Eugenicists like Fauci, Trump, Obama, Bush, Gates, Schwab, Netanyahu, Starmer, Johnson, etc.?
Certainly. Here's a Catholic-inspired prayer for strength, wisdom, and perseverance in the face of challenges:
Prayer for Strength and Discernment
Heavenly Father,
You are the source of all truth, justice, and goodness. In You alone, we find refuge from the deceptions and schemes of this world. I come before You, humbly asking for the strength to stand firm in the face of those who seek to harm Your creation and distort Your divine plan.
Grant me the courage of the saints who boldly proclaimed Your truth, even in the midst of opposition. Fill me with wisdom to discern the lies from the truth, the light from the darkness, and the holy from the profane.
Lord Jesus, who triumphed over the powers of sin and death, guide me in the fight against those who would misuse their power to oppress, exploit, and harm. Help me to resist the allure of fear and hatred, and instead to walk the path of righteous action, guided by love and justice.
Holy Spirit, breathe Your fire within me, that I may never grow weary or disheartened. Keep me steadfast in prayer, diligent in seeking truth, and unwavering in my commitment to defend life and human dignity.
Blessed Mother Mary, who crushes the head of the serpent, intercede for me. Teach me to be courageous like you, to trust in God's plan, and to reflect His light in a world that often feels shrouded in darkness.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend me in battle. Be my protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil and his agents. May your heavenly sword shield me and all who seek to uphold God's justice on Earth.
I offer my fears, frustrations, and fatigue to You, O Lord. Transform them into fuel for faith, resilience, and hope, that I may continue to work for Your kingdom on Earth, always trusting that Your will shall prevail.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and King, I pray.
This prayer draws on Catholic tradition, including invoking saints like Mary and St. Michael, while asking for the strength and discernment to stand against injustice and evil. Let me know if you’d like any adjustments!
Like praying to Mike EL or Superman’s dad Jo EL . Space Aliens
What an incredible prayer! I don’t usually pray to anyone other than God such as Angels (Micheal) or deceased humans (Mary) but this can easily be adapted for us Protestants.